Установил модуль соц сети, демо версия встала в директорию club
на индексной странице club ошибка:
file: blablabla./bitrix/modules/socialnetwork/classes/mysql/log_comments.php
line: 468
mysql query error: sel ect distinct lc.id as id, lc.log_id as log_id, lc.source_id as source_id, lc.entity_type as entity_type, lc.entity_id as entity_id, lc.user_id as user_id, lc.event_id as event_id, lc.log_date as log_date_x1, date_format(lc.log_date, '%d.%m.%y %h:%i:%s') as log_date, lc.message as message, lc.text_message as text_message, lc.url as url, lc.module_id as module_id, g.name as group_name, g.owner_id as group_owner_id, g.visible as group_visible, g.opened as group_opened, g.image_id as group_image_id, u.name as user_name, u.last_name as user_last_name, u.second_name as user_second_name, u.login as user_login, u.personal_photo as user_personal_photo, u.personal_gender as user_personal_gender, u1.name as created_by_name, u1.last_name as created_by_last_name, u1.second_name as created_by_second_name, u1.login as created_by_login, u1.personal_photo as created_by_personal_photo, u1.personal_gender as created_by_personal_gender, l.source_id as log_source_id, lc.rating_type_id as rating_type_id, lc.rating_entity_id as rating_entity_id, ifnull(rg.total_value, 0) as rating_total_value, ifnull(rg.total_votes, 0) as rating_total_votes, ifnull(rg.total_positive_votes, 0) as rating_total_positive_votes, ifnull(rg.total_negative_votes, 0) as rating_total_negative_votes, ifnull(rv.value, 0) as rating_user_vote_value fr om b_sonet_log_comment lc left join b_sonet_log_site sls on lc.log_id = sls.log_id left join b_sonet_group g on (lc.entity_type = 'g' and lc.entity_id = g.id) left join b_user u on (lc.entity_type = 'u' and lc.entity_id = u.id) left join b_user u1 on lc.user_id = u1.id left join b_sonet_log l on (lc.log_id = l.id) left join b_rating_voting rg on lc.rating_type_id = rg.entity_type_id and lc.rating_entity_id = rg.entity_id left join b_rating_vote rv on lc.rating_type_id = rv.entity_type_id and lc.rating_entity_id = rv.entity_id and rv.user_id = 1 where ((((sls.site_id = 's1' )) or ((sls.site_id is null) or (length(sls.site_id) <= 0) or (sls.site_id = '' )))) and ((((lc.log_date <= '2013-02-01 19:42:06')))) and ( exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_cb = 'n' and sle.entity_id = lc.entity_id and sle.event_id = lc.event_id ) or ( lc.entity_type in ('g','u') and exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_cb = 'y' and sle.entity_id = lc.user_id and sle.event_id = lc.event_id ) ) or ( ( not exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_cb = 'n' and sle.entity_id = lc.entity_id and sle.event_id = lc.event_id ) or exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_cb = 'n' and sle.entity_id = lc.entity_id and sle.event_id = lc.event_id and sle.transport = 'i' ) ) and ( lc.entity_type not in ('g','u') or not exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_cb = 'y' and sle.entity_id = lc.user_id and sle.event_id = lc.event_id ) or exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_cb = 'y' and sle.entity_id = lc.user_id and sle.event_id = lc.event_id and sle.transport = 'i' ) ) and ( exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_cb = 'n' and sle.entity_id = lc.entity_id and sle.event_id = 'all' ) or ( lc.entity_type in ('g','u') and exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_cb = 'y' and sle.entity_id = lc.user_id and sle.event_id = 'all' ) ) or ( ( not exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_cb = 'n' and sle.entity_id = lc.entity_id and sle.event_id = 'all' ) or exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_cb = 'n' and sle.entity_id = lc.entity_id and sle.event_id = 'all' and sle.transport = 'i' ) ) and ( lc.entity_type not in ('g','u') or not exists( sel ect id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle where sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_cb = 'y' and sle.entity_id = lc.user_id and sle.event_id = 'all' ) or exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_cb = 'y' and sle.entity_id = lc.user_id and sle.event_id = 'all' and sle.transport = 'i' ) ) and ( ( lc.entity_id in (1,2,3,4,5) and ( exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = 'g' and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_id = 0 and sle.entity_my = 'y' and sle.event_id = lc.event_id ) or ( ( exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = 'g' and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_id = 0 and sle.entity_my = 'y' and sle.event_id = lc.event_id and sle.transport = 'i' ) or not exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = 'g' and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_id = 0 and sle.entity_my = 'y' and sle.event_id = lc.event_id ) ) and ( exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = 'g' and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_id = 0 and sle.entity_my = 'y' and sle.event_id = 'all' ) ) ) ) ) or ( exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_id = 0 and sle.entity_my = 'n' and sle.event_id = lc.event_id ) or ( ( exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_id = 0 and sle.entity_my = 'n' and sle.event_id = lc.event_id and sle.transport = 'i' ) or not exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_id = 0 and sle.entity_my = 'n' and sle.event_id = lc.event_id ) ) and ( exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_id = 0 and sle.entity_my = 'n' and sle.event_id = 'all' ) or exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_id = 0 and sle.entity_my = 'n' and sle.event_id = 'all' and sle.transport = 'i' ) or not exists( select id fr om b_sonet_log_events sle wh ere sle.user_id = 1 and sle.entity_type = lc.entity_type and sle.entity_id = 0 and sle.entity_my = 'n' and sle.event_id = 'all' ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )) and exists ( select slr.id fr om b_sonet_log_right slr left join b_user_access ua on (ua.access_code = slr.group_code and ua.user_id = 1) wh ere lc.log_id = slr.log_id and (0=1 or (slr.group_code = 'au') or (slr.group_code = 'g2') or (ua.access_code = slr.group_code and ua.user_id = 1))) order by log_date_x1 asc [unknown column 'lc.rating_type_id' in 'field list']