[B]Переход на Server version: 8.0.22-13 Percona Server[/B]
[CODE]cat /etc/mysql/conf.d/z_bx_custom.cnf
max_allowed_packet = 1024M
sync_binlog = 0[/CODE]
READ-COMMITTED на самом деле включено, см в sql запросе:
[CODE]show variables like '%isola%';[/CODE]
[B]Удаленные возможности:[/B]
Кеш запросов (размер) — удалено: MySQL 8.0.3 — new version has removed support for the query cache (for good reason http://mysqlserverteam.com/mysql-8-0-retiring-support-for-the-query-cache/ ), and the variables that pertain to it.
https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/query-cache.html says:
The query cache is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.20, and is removed in MySQL 8.0.
по производительности MySQL 8 значительно лучше чем 5.7
В нем используются новые форматы данных хранения файлов (переписана дисковая система) Physical files have been changed. For instance, *.frm, *.TRG, *.TRN, and *.par no longer exist.
There are tons of improvements that are present in MySQL 8.0. The benchmark results reveals that there has been an impressive improvement, not only on managing read workloads, but also on a high read/write workload comparing to MySQL 5.7